
Faculty of Media and Communication Sciences,
Department of Public Relations and Advertising

Communication technology has advanced in an amazing way, leading to a wide and continuous growth in the knowledge and technology gap between the countries of the world, at a time when the media has become a pivotal player in managing many economic, social and political files. And then media studies became a science that has its foundations, controls, theories that guide it, and research methods that distinguish it


The Faculty of Mass Communication at the American International University looks forward to achieving leadership in the field of media education, especially in Mogadishu and Somalia in general, through academic programs based on national and international standards, and taking into account the quality and quality, the requirements of scientific research, and the authentic national culture.

the message

Providing academic education opportunities in the field of media in its various branches (press, electronic publishing, radio and television, public relations and advertising) and contributing to providing the community with specialists in these fields by providing them with the necessary professional knowledge and skills in addition to the requirements of scientific research, which contribute to preparing them to work in the professional field or academic in accordance with the required standards, responding to the needs of society.

Program Goals

The goals of the academic program at the College of Mass Communication depend on two assumptions: The first is that the successful media person is able to understand the role of the means of communication in society by understanding the social, political, cultural and economic influences that help to shape this role. The fields of humanities and social sciences, is that the effective media person must be familiar with the technical and technical methods to practice media work on a professional level, and this can only be achieved through the method of “learning by doing” and for this the student receives courses of a professional nature in the fields of journalism, radio and television, To achieve the following objectives:


1. Familiarity with the historical development of the media and its means (its beginning and stages of development up to the current stage and anticipating political, social and economic changes) at the local and global levels.

2. Technical and technical factors in the press and television work environment locally and internationally 0

3. To develop the student’s abilities to link between theories and applications in the field of actual practice.

4. Training the student to conduct quantitative and qualitative research on media content and its societal effects in areas of relevance and importance

5. Understand all the elements of radio and television production, starting with preparation, filming, editing, directing and ending with the ability to produce an integrated radio or television program that falls under any form of radio and television programme.

6. Know all the elements of journalistic work, starting from collecting information and distinguishing between news and editorial arts (report, article, investigation) and even the techniques of traditional print and electronic press production on the Internet.

7. Providing the student with the ability to evaluate and criticize media practices in the light of professional ethics and honor codes0

8. Develop performance skills represented in Arabic, English or French proficiency, speaking and presentation, and effective communication skills.

9. Refining the skills of general culture on the political, economic, social, psychological, historical, legal, administrative and scientific levels and developing the student’s ability to link and analyze 0

10. The ability to deal with local or foreign media in the languages ​​in which they are broadcast.

11. Studying the different arts of media work and training on their working mechanisms such as drama, advertisements, news, international media, and documentaries and programs.

12. To develop the creative abilities of the student, as well as the ability to innovate and renew in the field of media work

In addition, the program aims to provide students with skills in writing, press editing, scientific reading, effective presentation skills, fruitful communication, and the ability to express themselves in a foreign language that qualifies them to deal with foreign sources and work as reporters or translators.